Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Obama thugs, Nazi brownshirts, 1984 totalitarian regime, Citizen Wells warnings, Obama camp thuggery, Big Brother, Obama attacks, Larry Sinclair, Obama Nazi Germany

The Citizen Wells blog has presented many articles about the Obama camp thuggery that has occurred over the past one and a half years and how it resembles the Nazi Brownshirt tactics and totalitarian state of “1984.” The attacks on Larry Sinclair, myself and others for questioning the “messiah”, Obama, aka Hitler, aka Big Brother, were a clue we were entering a new age foretold by George Orwell. Orwell had just witnessed the rise of the totalitarian regime of Nazi Germany. I am as pleased with myself as anything I have written for exposing the Obama camp as Nazi Brownshirts.

Here is an article from someone that has recently been shocked into believing Larry Sinclair’s story:


“After reading a bit about Larry Sinclair (yes, I do have his book, but have not had time to read it) I’ve come to wonder if Barack Obama does not have an explosive temper.  We know he and those around him are resorting to something akin to racketeering to prevent Americans from expressing their opinion.  Harry Reid just doesn’t understand.  Neither does Nancy Pelosi.  They’re losing their temper, turning nasty.”

“They are denouncing anyone who disagrees with Obama as a “Brownshirt” and calling us terrorists.  If you followed Larry Sinclair’s story the past year, you will know the degree of harassment he has experienced from the same source.  You get in Obama’s way and he’s gonna get you.”

“I gather this is what Sinclair has endured for the past year.  We all know the White House now has an enemies list.  From what I gather, Sinclair is close to the top of the list.  I turned myself in today.  Fortunately they are finally figuring out that what Obama’s White House has done is probably illegal.

I think we Republicans are now getting  a taste of what Sinclair has endured for the past year.  It isn’t pretty.  In fact, it’s down-right un-American – unless you are a member of the SEIU.  Then, you can do what you want, including Rush Limbaugh promoted death threats.  Naturally they are blaming someone from New Mexico.  If you read the tweets, I’m suspicious and suspect someone is making trouble for the guy, who is an admitted Libertarian.  If you are a Union Thug, you can get away with anything, including near murder.

But – not just any Union Thug – the SEIU – OBAMA’S UNION!

Makes you think….and wonder what else Larry Sinclair is right about.”

Read more:



Citizen Wells first article revealing the Obama Camp as Nazi like:

“I soon will post the information I have collected about Barack Obama. I just wanted to say where I am coming from. I am a student of history and am fairly well read. Much of what I am witnessing about Barack Obama reminds me of the period between World War I and World War II in Germany. People were ready for change. Unlike here, conditions were really bad.

Adolf Hitler began speaking about his vision for Germany. He also spewed racist, hate messages and blamed the jews for all of their ills. Obama speaks of change and many of those around him spew the racist, hate filled messages. This is too much deja vu for me.

I wrote this at 3:30 AM EST. I awoke and had to say this. God bless us all and this country.”

 My epiphany


Citizen Wells first analysis Of Obama Camp Nazi qualities:

“April 16, 2008

I have been comparing the Obama campaign to pre World War II Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler for many weeks. Of course my claims have been dismissed by Obama supporters and many times I have been personally attacked for asking simple questions about Obama. I am a student of history and have read a great deal about the era leading up to the second world war and also during and after. The more I observe and think about it, the closer the parallels are.

The rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party

The economic conditions in Germany after World War I were horrible.

Adolf Hitler honed his oratory skills and became a superb speaker.

Adolf Hitler surrounded himself with thugs and Jew haters.

Adolf Hitler and the Nazis blamed the Jews for their problems.

Adolf Hitler spoke of change and a new Germany.

The people of Germany got caught up in the euphoria of the changes that Hitler promised.

The Nazis burned books to eradicate records and contrary thoughts.

The Nazis bullied Jews and other segments of society.

The Nazis were elitists with talk of the Arayan Race.

Adolf Hitler had many people fooled including many jews that never thought all of that evil could happen in their country. moinansari reminded me of this important point. Thank You!


The Barack Obama Campaign

The perceived economic conditions are bad. The economic conditions are perfect here compared to post War War I Germany.

Obama worked on his oratory skills. He is a superb speaker with the ability to mesmerize his followers.

Obama has been surrounded by racists, anti semites, criminals and drug users.

Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, and others have blamed white people and Jews for their problems.

Obama constantly speaks of change.

Obama supporters are caught up in the euphoria of the moment and Obama’s promise of change.

Obama has denied having records, not provided records and been extremely evasive when asked to supply records.

Obama supporters have bullied bloggers when questions about Obama or his past are asked. Some of these attacks are clearly orchestrated by the Obama Campaign. Some of these bullies have attacked family members of bloggers.

Obama has recently shown his elitist attitude during his speech in San Francisco. His arrogance parallels Hitler’s Aryan race comments in regard to Obama’s God Like omnipotence in regard to having the answers to problems.

Obama has many people fooled including many Jews that are ignoring all the evil and anti semitism surrounding Obama.

Thanks moinansari and God bless you.

The parallels are clear and they are scary!

What is the lesson to be learned?

The German people blindly followed Hitler with his promises of change. Hitler and his cohorts were not scrutinized by enough people. Barack Obama is promising change and many are blindly following in a similar euphoric state. All candidates for the presidency must be questioned and carefully scrutinized.”

Article with comments


Christians and Jews supported this man

“The economy in ruins, you believed this man was

your salvation.

Why did you not read his book?  There were many clues

to his personality and intent.

Why did you not question his mesmerizing speeches, often

aimed at the youth?”

Read more


Nazi disregard for human life

““Barack Obama is the most pro abortion candidate ever.”

Terence P. Jeffrey

“But, he argues, we cannot legally recognize them as “persons.”

Because if we do, then somewhere down the road it might threaten someone’s right to an abortion.”

David Freddoso on Obama

History can and does repeat itself. The evil capacity of humans

passes from generation to generation. Left unchecked, this evil

can grow to levels experienced before in history.”

Read more 

History warns us:

The Citizen Wells blog has been warning for many months now that the

Obama camp is very much like Brownshirts in Nazi Germany. The analogies

are many and are scary. Some people scoffed at or ridiculed the articles

but many commented in agreement. Some that appreciated the warnings

are Jewish and one had just visted a Holocaust Museum. Even Winston

Churchill was ridiculed when he gave warnings about the Nazis. A commenter on, tps, has written a compelling article and warning about the Obama camp. The writer claims to be a student of history and like anyone questioning the “messiah”, Obama, has been ridiculed.

Read more

You can search the Citizen Wells blog or internet for references to Nazi Germany, Brownshirts or 1984.


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