It’s day two. I’m trying, really trying, to get into Twilight. But somehow, I can’t let my defenses down. I think I’ve built it up—probably because EVERYONE builds it up—and I have a feeling I will be disappointed.
By page 9, I find myself counting the pages until the end of the first chapter. Pathetic, really. This is a New York Times bestseller?
I persevere. I promise myself to at least get to page 52 (the end of chapter 3) and then judge it accordingly after that.
But, when page 52 hits, I’m still unsure. It’s definitely picked up, but I wouldn’t say I’m intrigued. I feel as though I could put the book down at any time, never finish it, and live a perfectly content life.
After reading two other YA novels within the last week—Thirteen Reasons Why and The Hunger Games—which both kept me tapping my Nook pages over and over, obsessively reading and even angry with the clock for foiling my plans of finishing before bedtime (actually MAD because I wanted to finish but knew I had to go to bed and reading 200+ pages would be impossible), Twilight is just not that. Those other novels transported me to another place, plopped me into the lives of two teens I actually cared about. I laughed, I cried, I read… and read, and read.
I couldn’t put them down. I brought my Nook with me everywhere—riding the subway, walking down the street, sitting in classes; I tried to convince my boyfriend that I could take the subway to meet him instead getting a ride from him, because I wanted to read. When he insisted on picking me up, I even had the courage to ask if I could bring my Nook in the car, to which he replied, Are you kidding me? Okay, okay, I understand.
But seriously, Twilight cannot compare. It holds no deeper meaning—at least, not yet. It gives me no greater sense of worldly understanding. It does not, within the first 52 pages, make me rethink my life, my moral compass, my decisions and actions. It does not make me question our society or our government. It just entertains.
Maybe that’s enough for most people, but not for me.
But, I made a promise to myself and I never break my promises. Page 53 awaits.
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