“I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on Frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond Words… When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and Respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise disrespectful] and impatient of restraint”
Hesiod, a Greek oral poet of the 8th century BC.
Read on for a more recent reflection on teenagers.
In his book, ”Age of Opportunity” Paul David Tripp recounts an experience he had while attending a weekend marriage retreat. “Near the end of the weekend, I was looking out at the sun glistening on the waters of the bay when I noticed a couple sitting nearby. They looked unhappy. I was curious, so I asked them if they had enjoyed the weekend. Everything had been great they replied. I commented that they didn’t look very happy, The women responded, “We have two teenagers and we are dreading going home. We wish this weekend would last forever!” “You just have to expect your teenager to be rebellious; all of us were,” her husband added. “You just have to ride it out.” “Besides,” she moaned, “you can’t argue with hormones!”
Paul Tripp continues by summing up what he sees as “the cultural epidemic of fear and cynicism about our teenagers.”
So what gives? Can centuries of testimony to the unacceptable behavior of teenagers be all wrong!
Alex and Brett Harris have written a book filled with present day evidence of the wonderful, creative, energetic hard work tackled by a cross centered section of today’s youth!
Start Here is the companion to their first book “Do Hard Things” in which they dispel contemporary wisdom regarding young people and give a challenge; Do Hard Things!
In Start Here the Harris’ share many testimonies from youth all across America and the WORLD! Beginning on page three with a list of topics:
- How to stand up for what you believe;
- Strategies for overcoming stage fright, fund raising fright, and phone calling fright;
- Ways to keep going when you feel stuck and keep going when you are discouraged;
- How to understand God’s will and glorify Him through your efforts;
- God-honoring ways to think, feel, and act after you’ve completed a big project;
And culminating with a list of, “100 Hard Things” in the appendix. They emphasize that the world WILL be changed “by a generation that gives up seeking worldly success to pursue a life of faithfulness”
The stories will move you and hopefully “convict” you to get out of your comfort zone, stop looking at what you can’t do and have faith that God has equipped you for all those works He wills in your life!
Parents, teachers, guidance counselors, Grandparents, ANYONE can be well served by reading this book.
Start with the:
- Why… solely for the Glory of God!
- What… let your imagination be the limit!
- Where … in your home, school anywhere!
- When… NOW don’t wait!
- Who … you whether a 90 year old or a 13 year old
Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. 1 Timothy 4.
This book was provided by Multnomah for review.
Visit www.randomhouse.com for more information on this and other books.
See additional reviews on: www.amazon.com, http://www.christianbook.com, http://www.lifewaystores.com
[Via http://word4women.wordpress.com]
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