Wednesday, September 16, 2009

All Social Media is Not Equal

I’ve been on social media for a little bit now. I jumped on Facebook on New Years Day in Atlanta after not seeing one of my best friends Alex Kilgo’s baby boy since he had been born. Alex told me that all of our friends were on this thing called Facebook so I jumped on it. It was addicting and I think I spent all day on it watching New Years Day college football games and facebookin’ it.

LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook for business use

Re-connected with everyone from childhood, high school, college, and beyond. It was awesome. But me and my friend La Shawn would always discuss does it do anything for business? I have over 400 friends and have not really made one business connect from Facebook.

Then came Twitter. I hopped on Twitter after seeing Shaq and McHammer on it via my Facebook page. I had no idea what they were talking about but I jumped on this thing to see what it was all about. At first, I didn’t understand Twitter at all. I kept hearing about social media and all the advantages of it but could not put the pieces together on this Twitter thing. I stayed on Twitter for awhile and launched my radio show Beyond the Bling and even booked guests directly from Twitter. But this was social. It did not bring income to me and as an entrepreneur, I’m all about income, period. If it doesn’t make money, show how to be successful, or the potential for money, I’m not on it like that.

Then, there’s my LinkedIn. For awhile, I just had my resume up on LinkedIn but nothing was happening up there either. My resume was sitting there on a shelf. I figured because I had such an impressive list of companies, that business and job opportunities would come beating down my door. They didn’t until I started using my niche groups effectively and starting discussions. This is the power of LinkedIn to drive business to you.

In my world, LinkedIn is the hands down winner of the social media game if you want to combine social media with actual income. Twitter and Facebook are simply to talk. It’s like going to the family and friend barbecue and sitting around drinking some Heinekens, a Red Bull, or some punch and talking smack to your friends. LinkedIn is the actual social media where you go to the W Hotel and have a networking session. It’s where the business is actually done at and not all this talking for the sake of talking. Talking for the sake of talking is good only at the barbecue.

Specifically, LinkedIn has set me up to bring in over $20,000 per month in income. This is no exaggeration and not pure speculation. But there’s a trick. Don’t believe all these gurus who just talk about it and pretend that they put up a LinkedIn profile and magically dollars started pouring in. You MUST get into strategically targeted niche groups where you can become a thought leader. If you do NOT become a thought leader on LinkedIn you will not connect with money players and income.

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